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Kaydon bearing remanufacturing programCase studies
Remanufacturing mining shovel bearings saves money Faced with pressure to reduce operating budgets, equipment users are always wondering how they can save money without compromising performance. For one major U.S. mine operator, the answer is remanufactured bearings. Large slewing ring bearings (over 10 ft. O.D.) in mining shovels are typically inspected every 30,000 hours, and often need replacing at that point. But this mining company saved two-thirds of the price of a new bearing by sending the old one to Kaydon Bearings, who remanufactured it to like-new condition in just eight weeks. When this remanufactured bearing was inspected after 30,000 hours, it looked so good that it went right back into service. The same was true of a second remanufactured bearing for another shovel, inspected after 25,000 hours. Learn more about how the Kaydon bearing remanufacturing program can help you maintain and improve productivity and profitability.